Homework 84 - [re:]Flip Fantastic
This week's goal is to reflip a sample......FROM YOURSELF.....that's right we want you to go back into the vaults and redo a sample that you picked yourself from a while back, but theres a criteria.
For the reflip fantastic we want you to only pick samples from beats you made during your first couple years of making beats, we almost want you to remake your first beats to show some growth and proof of the skills gained since your early days, see how your synth/keys game and drums/mixing/arrangement skills have improved over the years.
Soooo! we want you dig out an old beat; get your hands on the sample and start again with the advantage of a few years knowledge.
If you are having trouble finding an old beat, try digging out that old soundclick profile or maybe dust off your myspace (is there an old joint on there??) (and if you're OG louisden enough) maybe in the players of some of the old louisden blogs on myspace or even the 2008 league?.
going back just a year or so isn't good enough though we need you to go riiight back on some indiana jones tip, and don't worry if your chop game was mad weak back in the day, you dont have to recrate that or use the same drums...just approach the SAME sample as if you were to make the beat today....if you can give your beat the remix treatment then even better but its not a strict requirement.
Obviously this challenge is gonna work better for heads who aren't fresh to making beats...but if you are (lets say you've only been in this months) then feel free to sit this one out or redo an early beat just like everyone else (but only if you feel you've improved enough for there to be a difference).
Of course if you want to redo a synth beat over then also feel free if the goal of the homework can still stand (i.e. you've gone from badly composed 1 finger melodies to full on chord progressions...be our guest!!)
RULESTo go through your beat archives and dig out a joint you made back in your early days; you're to redo the beat with your 2011 beatmaking skills, the beat can be sampled/composed but just approach your choice in a way to show some growth from the original blap.
So you either have to
a) reflip a sample from an old beat of yours (remake it with better chops/drums or start over either is fine)
b) remake a synth/composed beat from your early days with better drums/arrangement/mixing but to show its the same beat you are remaking you'll have to improve on the elements rather than starting again (i.e. the main melody)
Also so we get a feel for your improvement, let your original joint play out for a few seconds as an intro to your beat! and let us know the details in your email to us (homework@louisden.com) always nice to have the backstory!
DEADLINEBeats are due 13th February 2011, you got a bit of extra time seeing as its a monday! we'll be streaming from 18:30 GMT in the lab @
http://louisden.com/live as usual submit your joints to homework@louisden.com . Lets get it!