Anyway last but by no means least is Birminghams own Raul Supreme on the producer line up!; be sure to check his in depth answers and his dope beat tape download!.
Rauls an ill cat! and met him a long long time ago shortly after Louis Den first started up!; introduced through Kela he hit the odd lab session but a few months into the den became a permanent fixture!! geekin out with us over beats week in and week out and firmly in the fold!. Fun fact! I still remember back before I met Kelz stalkin his myspace out and seeing Raul on his top 8 thinkin to my self "dang, how many ill cats does this dude know" haha funny how things come together over time eh??...aite lets do this.
Hey!!, please introduce yourself to everybody; let us know who you are what you do and how long you've been doing it!.
Hey I go by the name of Raul Supreme representing me myself and I at the minute nuff props however to Kosyne for bringing hip hop producers together in the form of Louis den and all the cats who enter challenges each week n make this thing happen. I've been doing beats for like 4-5 years now been taking it seriously for the last say 2-3. I'm a sample fanatic I still to this day love getting a new record and chopping that up to perfection whilst getting creative with synths, plugins, drums the works.
Was there a defining moment (event / hearing a record etc) that led you into making beats / becoming a producer?.
When I was 16 my mum got me this brand new Dell Dimensions desktop computer I wasn't a 'hip hop head' per say at the time but I just started kind of experimenting with a variety of different music programmes such as Steinberg Cubase SX 1 I think it was. (Shout outs to Cubase by the way) I didn't really know what I was making but erm it was something. I had been listening to a lot of DJ Premier at the time some of his older works such as 'BOOM' and 'FULL CLIP' and I definitely tried to recreate what I was hearing. Although I never actually knew anything about arranging drums, where to even get drums, snares or whatever I looked for help I eventually got back in contact with 1 of my cousins (shout outs to Twisted Revren) who laid down what you would call the basics of hip hop production he in turn became a major inspiration in my starting years. If I didn't get that new computer though I probably wouldn't be here today as a producer real talk.
What was your first piece of equipment and what were those beats like?, any interesting stories about things were doing to begin with / finding your feet?
My first piece of equipment was as mentioned above Steinberg Cubase SX1 man I made like five beats inside Cusbase well with the inclusion of the ones no one ever knew about ten. I liked Cubase but the user interface for me was too much for my head at the time, don't wanna tread on any toes here but the first things I saw were time signatures, erm channels that meant nothing to me the whole layout wasn't 'simple' enough for me to use it effectively so I eventually made the transition to Fl Studio 3 formally known as Fruity Loops (Shououts to Kosyne lol) I'll have to post up some Cubase joints man they were green reflector jacket + black bin bag liners and sausages GARBAGE.
Whats the one bit of advice youd give to anyone starting out today?
Some advice i'd give is just make music for the love I've come across many heads that do it for the wrong reasons whether that's fame or whatever do it because you can't go without making a beat because in the long run you will prevail ya dig.
What can heads expect from you at LOUIS DEN BEAT CYPHER?
Heads can expect some variation I plan on showing versatility however hope to stay true to my sound should be a good show I want to make everyone who turns up snap their necks nah mean lol but erm yeah i hope to get the crowd stirred up and get the involved
Finally any plugs or shout outs..
Shout outs out firstly to the Louis Den heads once again who make this happen, erm Twisted Revren and the Ill City movement, shout outs to ma man Kelakovski killin' the beats, Kosyne, TLG, Jigsaw Soul, Eyebs the whole Louis den persuasion. Look out for more beat tapes coming soon featuring all head knocking instrumentals with the inclusion of brand new tracks with sick emcees from across the nation.
Raul Supreme - Beat Tape Vol 1 (2008)
Raul supreme Myspace
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